Workshop: High-Efficiency Power Generation and CHP in National Allocation Plans

The Treatment of High-Efficiency Power Generation and CHP in National Allocation Plans

Friday 30 January 2004, 9:00 – 14:30

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
(Bundesumweltministerium BMU)
Room 4134, Entrance A,
Alexanderplatz 6, D-10178 Berlin

e5 will hold an international workshop on the treatment of high-efficiency power generation and CHP in National Allocation Plans (NAPs). The German Environment Ministry and COGEN Europe co-organise the event, which will take place on Friday, 30 January 2004 in Berlin, Germany.

At its first session, the workshop will raise the interaction of CHP allocation and the economic benefits for ET participants. Another focus will be put on the allocation methods envisaged in different countries. The second session will draw on government approaches in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK. At issue are convenant benchmarking, the development of NAPs, and the potential impacts NAPs have on the development of different CHP technologies and applications. The long-term perspective for CHP in the wake of Emissions Trading will be one core question of the final panel debate.

On the side of the workshop, Dr. Arnold Tolle, CHP consultant and board member of e5, will hold a press conference presenting his newly released report on the positioning of CHP in National Allocation Plans for emissions trading. The German version of the report can be downloaded here.

This event brings together National Ministries, NAP developers, CHP equipment producers and users, as well as NGOs.


Session 1:
The Treatment of High-Efficiency Power Generation and CHP in National Allocation Plans: Principles and Approaches
Chair: Franzjosef Schafhausen, Federal Ministry for the Environment

Session 2:
Getting the Allocation Rules for High-Efficiency Power Generation and CHP right: Government Views and Reponses
Chair: Peter Löffler, COGEN Europe

Session 3:
Panel Debate and Conclusions
Chair: Dr. Arnold Tolle, CHP Consultant and board member e5

For details of the agenda, see here.

Participation at the workshop is free of charge. Please register for this event giving your name, organisation and contact details to:
Laetitita Crine
COGEN Europe
T: +32 2 772 82 90
F: +32 2 772 50 44

How to get there:
By public transport (Station „Alexanderplatz“):
Metro: S3, S5, S7, S9, S75, U2, U5, U8
Tram: 2,3,5,6
Bus: 100, 157, 257, 348


The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety is responsible within the Federal Government for (lead-managing) national environmental policy. The Ministry has some 830 employees in six departments. Its sphere of responsibility also embraces three federal agencies with a combined total of more than 1,880 employees: the Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz) and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz).

The European Business Council for Sustainable Energy – e5 – was founded in 1996 as a business initiative with the purpose of translating an efficient future energy and climate protection policies into a convincing economical conception. With its Headquarter in Brussels e5 has in the last 6 years made a name as moderator, pro-active representative of interests and as influential business group at the various international negotiations for climate protection as well as at national levels.

COGEN Europe is the European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration (also called Combined Heat and Power, CHP). Cogeneration is the most efficient way to deliver heating, cooling and electricity. It is based on the simultaneous production of electricity and thermal energy, both of which are used. COGEN Europe is promoting the widespread development of cogeneration in Europe and world-wide. To achieve this goal, COGEN Europe is working at the EU level and with Member States to develop sustainable energy policies and remove unnecessary barriers to its implementation.