Intervention: Second Session of the Ad-Hoc Working Group under the Kyoto Protocol 2008

Intervention to the UNFCCC Meetings
Bonn, Germany

Second Session of the Ad-Hoc Working Group under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP)
June 3, 2008

International Council for Sustainable Energy
Global Wind Energy Council
International Carbon Investors and Services


Mr. Chairman and distinguished delegates, thank you for the opportunity to present our views during the opening of the second session of Ad Hoc Working Group under the Kyoto Protocol.
My name is James Wolf, Treasurer and Board Member of the U.S. Business Council for Sustainable Energy and I am speaking on behalf of the International Council for Sustainable Energy, a coalition which formally brings together the efforts of the Clean Energy Council of Australia, and the European, United Kingdom, and United States Business Councils for Sustainable Energy.  The mission of the International Council for Sustainable Energy is to provide a cohesive and credible voice for the global sustainable energy industry in international discussions and meetings such as these.  We are joined in this statement by other business groups, such as the Global Wind Energy Council and International Carbon Investors and Services.
Collectively, we represent companies and trade associations around the world with billions of dollars in financial capital and investments, and a strong commercial interest in the expansion of sustainable energy and energy efficiency markets as well as effective carbon markets that continue to contribute to real reductions in emissions.  Our industries are actively reducing our own emissions, deploying and developing sustainable and energy efficiency technologies and are moving substantial capital into this area.

Our organizations support the continuation of a legally-binding multilateral regime to address climate change in order to provide signals to the marketplace that accelerate climate-responsible investments.

We applaud the path that the Bali Plan of Action has set forth to guide the development of a formal post-2012 agreement.  We seek the opportunity to contribute to these efforts – especially in the priority areas of enhanced national and international action on mitigation, financing and investment, technology transfer and adaptation.  In Bali, an unprecedented set of business organizations came together to support a clear robust agenda, reflecting a strong interest from industry for government leadership in setting the targets, timeframe and conditions for businesses to invest in solutions to climate change.

As the AWG continues its work and prepares for the Conference of the Parties meeting in Poznan, Poland this December, we urge emphasis of the following elements that are fundamental to a post-2012 agreement:

  • Continued commitment to conclude negotiations on such a global agreement by 2009;
  • Incorporation of mechanisms to ensure a stable long-term market framework for low carbon technology development and deployment; and,
  • Continuity in the legally-binding frameworks underpinning the carbon market.

In addition, the issue of technology transfer is crucial for the success of these negotiations.
We strongly support the Bali Plan of Action’s commitment to nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing countries in the context of sustainable development.  This action must be supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner.  As businesses that provide mitigation technologies and services, we offer our expertise and the following principles to guide this important work:

  • Negotiations should be based on common purpose and understanding
  • Technology transfer should be viewed as a mutually beneficial process – both developed and developing countries have experience to offer and the ability to accelerate technology deployment
  • The shared objective should involve decoupling economic growth with greenhouse gas emissions

As we consider the long-term challenges ahead globally on mitigation and adaptation, we understand that considerable changes will be needed to move toward significantly lower-carbon and energy efficient economies and lifestyles.

The Bali action plan specifically recognizes “mobilization of public- and private-sector funding and investment, including facilitation of climate-friendly investment choices.”  We welcome the opportunity to work closely with delegates to make this a reality.

Existing clean energy technologies can delivered by business immediately if the private sector is proactively involved in the post-2012 process and if there are clear, predictable and long-term government signals – domestically and internationally – supporting these investments.

Therefore, we seek opportunity under both Ad Hoc Working Group processes for business and other key actors to meaningfully engage in your deliberations leading up to the conferences in Poznan and Copenhagen.

Thank you.