Intervention: Ad-Hoc Working Group on the 26th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC

to the Ad-Hoc Working Group session on the
26th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC
7-18 May 2007, Bonn

Business Councils for Sustainable Energy from Australia, Europe,
United Kingdom and the United States

(…) To enable the significant scale up in clean energy and energy efficiency in the near-term, governments must adopt stronger and sustained government policies at the national level, such as research and development, tax incentives and new codes and standards. To accelerate deployment, these policies must be clear and stable to impact the investment cycle and combined with a long-term market price for greenhouse gas emissions. As the AWG continues its deliberations leading up to the next Conference of the Parties meeting in Bali in December, we offer the following thoughts for action:

  • Launch a new negotiation round on a post-2012 multilateral regime to address climate change in Bali with agreement on the framework by the end of 2009. To prepare for this outcome, the AWG should focus its efforts at this session and in Vienna on compiling its input for the Bali agreement.
  • Establish legally binding, longer-term commitment periods to reduce emissions, led by industrialized countries, consistent with the investment cycle. Our companies need to understand how policy will evolve over the next 10 to 15 years, and what further scale of action governments are anticipating to address climate change.
  • Ensure continuity and improvements in the existing market-based approaches to reduce emissions. (…)